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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Last night was interesting. I’m starting to understand the spirit realm better. Last night we talked to Malek for a little, but mostly talked to Gavin, who told us his last name was Fabie. We tried to write down a number on a piece of paper secretly, and then Gavin would tell us what the number was on the Ouija board. Well, he couldn’t do it. He said the problem was that he couldn’t really see the numbers on the paper. Then Sam tried to make shapes using his finger and Gavin couldn’t really do that, although he was close.

I have a theory that maybe spirits can only sense the world like they’re looking through an infrared camera. The boundaries of the room are clear, but they can only really see energy. They go to it because they need to absorb it. I wonder if we were to make the number in lighter fluid then light it on fire, if he could see it better. Our next test is to see if he can determine how many fingers we are holding up.

I had an odd night when I went to bed. I jolted awake late last night and felt afraid to look up. I felt honestly scared. I felt like something was on top of me and literally thought I left my window open because it was freezing cold in my room. But I shook it off and went back to sleep.

I had a long dream, but I only remember pieces of it now. I remember seeing Gavin and actually feeling his hands. I also had a dream that I was in a public bathroom and when I looked in a mirror, I saw a bloody version of myself. I looked in another mirror and saw an old man staring at me. I just knew he was a spirit and he wasn’t friendly. I ran out of the room and into a locker room. I looked up the stairs and he was at the top, reaching out to me. I ran out of the room somehow. There was more to the dream and I believe I even saw him again, but I can’t remember. However, I remember exactly what I looked like in the mirror and what the old man looked like. Odd.

I think the weirdest part about waking up was to find that my phone was just about dead. I had charged the phone all night the night before and my phone can hold a charge for about 3 days. So the fact that it was close to dying… I don’t know. I don’t want to say that I had a spirit in my room because I’m honestly not convinced. These were just a little weird.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


My cousin Zack wanted to try out the Ouija board. It was only 7:30 but I thought we’d try it out. We lit 3 candles and my little brother, AJ, came down to join us. After a few interruptions from my brother (who keeps yelling at me for using the Ouija board) and my mother, things began moving.

Gavin began talking to us first and admitted that he was being shy. He said there were other spirits in the room, the havcketts and another spirit. Malek was not in the room. I could feel something trying to control the board. Gavin said that there was an evil spirit in the room, but it wasn’t the one from before. I told Gavin to let him talk.

He said that he did not have a name and that he wanted to hurt someone in the room, me. But, then I felt something struggling for control of the board. Things died down. I asked if we were still talking to the spirit that wanted to harm me and it said no. It was Malek. He and his tribe got rid of the evil spirit. Now, my friends who used the board with me on the 23rd would say, “how would you know that it was actually Malek?” But this time it was different. I could sense Malek’s presence on me in the room and really felt like I was being protected.

I asked if the Havcketts were in the room and he said yes. I asked him to get off the board so they could talk. Hans and Maria began talking and I asked them to spell out my little brother’s name. They spelled out “ADAM” which was correct. I asked if they don’t come into my room because there is a spirit living in there and they said no. They don’t go in because they consider it my personal space. They said they wanted to tell us something, “TREAT EQUAL.” “Are you trying to tell us to treat everyone equally?” I asked and they said yes. My cousin had to leave so I decided to call it a night. I thanked Gavin and the Havcketts for talking and thanked Malek and the Znmay for protecting me.

Something I wanted to bring up though was the actual usage of the Ouija board. I’ve actually been on the board only a few times and have gotten very slow answers. Tonight I believe that I learned to open up. I can feel spirits pretty well, but letting them talk through me was different. When using it, I felt cold and was shaking, but at the same time, I was sweating. It was an odd mix. The best way I can think of to describe the feeling is imagine you’re in a pool. You’re standing still. Someone swims by you under the water. You can feel the motion of them on your leg. This kind of force is on your hands when you use the Ouija board. You let your hands float and the current just takes you.

Friday, December 24, 2010


I thought I'd put this picture up to see what everyone thought. I asked where Malek was standing, he said behind Nikki. I asked to take a picture of him and he agreed to it. This shadow showed up. At first, I thought my finger was over the lens or flash so I took another picture (above).
The next day I tried to replicate the shadow by placing my hands on different positions on the camera. I put my finger over the lens and it was very obviously my finger. My finger(s) next to the lens (by the flash) did nothing. My fingers over the whole flash made the flash just not work and my fingers over half the flash didn't do anything. So... thoughts?


Yesterday was my birthday so Amelia’s not with me anymore.

Decided to use the Ouija board last night with Sam, Nigel, and Nikki, then new comers, Vince, Ross, and Katie. I wanted them to meet Gavin and the Havcketts, but that’s not really what happened.

First we started to talk to Gavin. About a minute later, something kicked him off the board. This spirit said his name was Jade and was standing by the candle on the opposite side of the room. He wanted to tell his “I A AM” then went to the moon.” He spelled it again but without the second A. It said it was the night. I knew that something wasn’t right. I asked if its name was really Jade and it said no. I asked if it could tell us its real name and it said no. First we asked if it wanted to harm anyone and it said yes, but we asked it again a few minutes later and it said no and that it only wanted to scare us.

I asked if Malek and his tribe, the Znmay, was in the room and it said it was. I asked Malek to take control of the board and he did for a little. It was clear there was a struggle for control. I asked Malek if he could get rid of Jade and he said he could. Things got silent for a little. I thought Malek got Jade to leave. He said there was more evil spirits in the room, but I was just glad we got rid of Jade. Or so I thought.

I lit 3 incense and walked around the whole basement with them. It seemed to weaken any of the spirits there. We decided to Ouija again with the lights on to see if Malek got rid of Jade. We asked Malek how many people were in his tribe and he didn’t know. It wasn’t Malek. It was Jade. I said, “Jade this is my house and you need to leave, do you understand that?” It went to yes and things seemed to stop.

We took the board outside to try and get in contact with Malek. It was hard for Nigel to communicate because it was so cold. We asked if we were talking to Malek, it said yes, asked if he got rid of Jade, he said yes. Things died down for a little. Then it seemed like we were talking to Jade, but it claimed to not be Jade or any of the Znmay. Whenever we asked it a question it either went to “Z” or “0”. It went up to the moon again, then Z, then to the bottom left corner.

We shut it off there. If an entity moves to the 4 corners of the board (and it was going in a clockwise manner) it is able to leave the board and enter our world. We came back inside and cleaned up, then put a pine branch at the top of the steps to the basement and another one in the doorway of my room.

Katie Westenberger was keeping notes the whole time. I decided it’s best to write down everything she wrote down…

“ Eric, Nigel, Vince, Sam, Nikki, Kate, Ross.
12/23/10 or 12/24/10

Gavin likes the cats, not scratching at the window though. (my cat was scratching at the window)

JADE (male, human) new, not attached to any of us.

Not feeling okay.

I A AM the moon.
Not “night”
I AM (moon)
Not really his name.

(Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be his name thy kingdom come thy will be down on earth as it is in heaven)

Jade is no longer here.

Malek – too many bad to count

(I am shaking?)

One on Eric – Jade

Cat freaking out.

Everyone feels cold. I do not feel cold.
(incense + light)
Jade – then left.

No Gavin, no Malek.

[outside on porch]
Z. going to the far right – END

“Trying to open something up by going to the four corners?” "

I believe that we experienced a negative energy last night. It said it was human, but I am not sure. However, I believe that we were able to get rid of it. As soon as we realized what it was we asked for assistance from the protectors of my woods, the Znmay. I believe the Znmay began to scare it off, then we lit the incense and weakened it a lot. When I asked it to leave, it went to yes. We were still experiencing little things like the “Z” and “0” afterward though. I believe that this was just residual energy from Jade. It’s hard to describe residual energy. But imagine just negative energy with bits of Jade in it. I believe that if this energy would have gone to all the 4 corners, that Jade (and possibly other negative spirits) would have come back (possibly even stronger.)

I also believe that Katie stopped feeling cold because she said a prayer. The prayer put a protective shield around her. Consider prayer for the next time I need protection.


Had a dream about receiving a blue cot in the mail from DJ. I set it up in my basement, but then evil spirits came and took it away. Some other worldly beings and I tried to find all the pieces and set it back up, but the evil spirits were things at as from a sky (that looked like rockets). Then a space ship landed outside in my front yard and alligator like creatures began walking towards the house. We ran up into the attic.

As soon as I was drifting off, I had a dream that I was in a diner. A woman in was sitting in a semi-circle red booth with 3 other woman. She looked right at me. She had straight, long, brown hair and high cheek bones. I woke up immediately after I saw her. She looked right into my eyes and had an odd smile. I was going back to sleep again and saw her once more looking at me, smiling.

I think this was Amelia. I didn’t even question it. I woke up the first time and the first thing that popped into my mind was “Amelia.” It’s too bad we didn’t ask her what she looked like. But I could feel it. It was her.

This is a link to an article about time in the spirit realm. A lot of information is taken from people that have had near death experiences. It appears that the spirit realm is the 4th dimension where the past, present, and future exist simultaneously and spirits can travel all around. The same way we can travel from our bedroom to the kitchen to the living room. Time and space limit physical beings on Earth.

Once you enter the spirit realm, your time on Earth seems to only be for an instant. It is very much like when you wake up 10 minutes before your alarm goes off and you drift off back to sleep. You have a vivid dream that seems to take a life time. Then you wake up and it’s only 10 minutes later. You realize that you’re time in the dream is not that important because now you’re awake and have things to do.

This is a man’s personal experiences into the spirit realm. I did not read the whole thing, but he claims that there is a huge negative energy inside the earth and that the beings in the spirit realm are chaotic. The spirit realm is riddled with evil and misguided spirits. Maybe the Earthly realm is better.


I don’t know where to begin. First day of winter. Last night was the equinox, a full moon, and a lunar eclipse. This only happens about every 750 years.
I found out a lot about different elements last night that effect spirits.


Pine needles (branches) – similar to salt, spirits cannot seem to cross over it. If placed in a doorway, spirits cannot leave. Originally thought to ward off evil spirits, not sure if that’s the case anymore. The spirits were getting frustrated because they couldn’t leave. Once Gavin (one of the regular spirits) told us to move the branches, many spirits left the room.

Incense – the smoke seems to ward off all spirits in the immediate area or at least weaken them. They asked us to put out the smoke and seemed to grow stronger when it was out.

Candles – fire is a good idea to help get more energy into the room. It is also helpful to see the Ouija board. My basement is a good place to Ouija due to the wood furnace.


** I’ve decided to not include the spirits I’ve met before today just to keep myself organized.

Gavin – Groundskeeper of my house during the 1920s. He is 20 years old and moved to America from Africa when he was 10 years old. He did not want to leave Africa. His hometown was “AZPZ” and cannot write in English very well, but can understand it well enough. He resides in my basement and barn, but sticks to the grounds around my house. Seems to have passed in 1930, not sure of how he passed. In his life, he took care of the grounds and he asked questions about life. Will occasionally go on Nigel to give him energy when talking to other spirits. Now he is Amcidzo*

*Amcidzo appears to be a word from the spiritual realm which means “one that has lost the way.” Gavin does not want to be trapped here, but he is. However, he does not seem very unhappy. He is playful and enjoys talking to people.

The Havcketts – (Not sure that’s spelled correctly) the husband’s name is Hans and the wife’s name is Marie. They moved into my house in 1938. Hans is 29 and Marie is 19 (or am I confusing their ages with the Havons?) They hang out in the bathroom next to my room, the attic, and the hallway outside my room. They said they do not go into my room and it is NOT because it is my personal space. Is there something in my room that they don’t like? When asked if they wanted to tell us something they said that they were “very happy.” They are innocent and polite and love this house. They just want to observe. It can be creepy for some to feel like you’re being watched in my bathroom, but they mean no harm.

The Havons – Uber and Vickie. Uber was born in 1903. They never lived in my house and are related to me (not sure if they’re on my mom’s side or dad’s side). They wanted to tell me something though. They wanted to tell me “you’re loved.” They said they were with my (dad’s) grandparents and they said yes. They said they would tell them I said hello. They seemed to only be there because of the lunar events and to deliver the message. Awesome.

Malek and the 18 – 19 Native Americans that have protected the woods and land around my house for almost 1,000 years. The tribe was called the Znmay. They cannot write English but understand it. Malek is the chief and was born in 1020. He is 50 years old. The tribe was upset about the killing of a doe in my woods. I promised that it would not happen again and they understood. However, they did not want us to be using the Ouija board and should not be talking to our zomes (see below). Also, NEVER go back up to the mound at the top of the woods. It is sacred and should be treated as such. Malek got very upset when I asked about it. The tribe will come down to our campfires when we have them, to gather energy.
We talked to 2 other members of the tribe. I cannot remember their names, but one was Amcidzo and grabbing onto my leg.

Zomes – Amelia, Iaz, George, and Zoe. Zomes are by the far the most important thing I’ve learned last night. A zome is a person’s personal spirit guide that resides in all of us. It helps to influence our personalities. It is the voice in the back of our heads. It is our intuition. Occasionally, they help develop our dreams to guide us. Sometimes they even appear in our dreams. If I could get better at lucid dreams, I would be able to meet my zome.

Now, zomes are sort of trapped inside of us. They can’t move on and are assigned to a person by a higher power, when the person turns 10 years old. It appears that everyone has 2 zomes and they alternate every 5 years. When I turned 15, Amelia became my zome. She is currently very sad because 1. She misses her family and 2. She will be leaving me on my birthday in 2 days and I will get the zome that I had when I was 10.

Amelia 40 years old and loves me. She said “Eric I love you.” According to Zoe (Nikki’s zome) Amelia “broke the rules” and became attached to me, which many zomes don’t do. Now, Zoe loves Nikki, but she’s not attached. Zomes love their human like a mother loves a child. In a weird way, I can see how the zome affects everyone’s personality. Amelia is a 40 year old mother and it’s true that sometime I feel like I do motherly things and am caring and understanding. Nigel’s zome, Iaz is a fun, playful 10 year old boy. Nigel is creative and loves cartoons, has a short attention span, and often, a bit naïve. Sam’s zome, George is 20 years old, and is like Sam in many ways. Same with Zoe, Nikki’s zome.

All the other spirits in the room were freaking out about the zomes. Gavin especially who kept spelling out “zome.” Zomes CAN ONLY COME OUT OF THE HUMAN WHEN IT IS A LUNAR ECLIPSE. So, we cannot hear what zomes are saying, but we can feel it. They can hear our voices our heads and are always aware of what is going on. For example, I asked in my head “Amelia are you able to follow me when you leave me?” and just felt overwhelmed with sadness immediately after. It is EXTREMELY rare that a human gets to meet his zome and I am honored to get to speak with mine. The next lunar eclipse is June 15th, 2011 and hopefully I will meet my new zome then.

How much does Gavin know about zomes?
What language is Gavin writing in?
Where do zomes go when they are not in a human?
Do human beings have more than 2 zomes?
Why do zomes alternate every 5 years?
Is there something in my room that Hans and Marie are afraid of?

Things to do:
Set up Gavin’s bed (use the cot).
Look up info on the Havons.
Looks up info on the Havcketts.
Look up info about Malek.